Saturday, October 15, 2011

Outlooking means nothing but inner beauty is priceless

I know I'm not that pretty but I love being myself :)

I'm sure u will be very interesting with this post

Okay I admit that I'm not ugly but I'm not pretty too :D

Let's look at the following photos & I'm sure you'll be very very astonish with them hah :D

I'm the one in that red circle with the stupid spec.
Yup, no doubt, that's me when I'm primary. ==

 Can you see how big difference it is? LOL

That's current me

Okay, from here on I'm gonna use mandarin to continue writing, sorry cuz I'm not that good in English, I just love the font hah

从小 虽然不至于丑到被人唾弃的程度
但因为那副脱了色的眼镜 嘲笑是难免的
桃花 对我来说 更是只有三个字 不可能!!

以前的我 渴望外貌
但上了中学 当你似乎真正得到了
你才发现 那有多么的空虚
(PS: 我不是在炫耀什么别乱想 谢谢=.=)

我想说的只是 外貌只是个美丽的空壳
老了 迟早也会失去的
但内涵 永远都能保存

爱美是人的天性 当然我也是 XD
*我没有 -.- 不过我会加油的 XDDDD

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